Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Pursuit of Pleasure

It's June! Officially the beginning of my pursuit of pleasure (Though we all know that I wasn't going to wait to actually begin).

Ok, so I just want to be clear about what I mean by the pursuit of pleasure. I'm not talking about sexual pleasure, or food pleasure (as Gilbert does in her book). I'm talking about just physical happiness. Spending time joking with friends, playing games, going to bon fires, reading trashy beach novels, and of course, drinking vodka redbulls at the bars on Main St. Sure, shaking my hips, and wearing low-cut tops will also be involved, as well as going to worship services to fulfill physical spiritual pleasure (yes, I know that's an oxymoron. Just go with it). And so I wouldn't be opposed to a summer romance or summer fling, but I'm also ok with being a flirty single. I'm just going to go with it.