Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

Today was Memorial's Day so everyone was out and about doing things. I was, of course, slightly hungover from Sunday night, but I ended up going to see the new Pirates movie.  It wasn't too bad, long though. The missionary was adorable! I hung out with Cora afterwards and helped her work on a bulletin board that she has to get done. We also went to Four Queens. Now, I'm not a big ice cream person. I rarely would choose to just get ice cream. But there is something about Four Queens. I just got a simple vanilla cone, but it's so creamy and delicious. I also ran into a certain person who I would rather not name, the same person that I had spent time with last night, which may or may not have been a good idea. I even had said that had Sunday night gone well, I would have re-entered his contact information in my phone (as of right now, he's not saved). If it tells you much, I haven't made any contact changes. But I digress. The rest of tonight was spent hanging with my roommates and we watched 10 Things I Hate About You.  This movie is probably one of my favorites of all time. It is especially effective when you're in a man-hating moods.. Which I am in quite often, but that's also a story for another time. Overall though, today was quite a happy day.